3.3.1 First receive window channel, data rate, and start
The first receive window RX1 uses a frequency that is a function of the uplink frequency and
a data rate that is a function of the data rate used for the uplink. RX1 opens
RECEIVE_DELAY1 seconds (+/- 20 microseconds) after the end of the uplink modulation.
The relationship between uplink and RX1 slot downlink data rate is region specific and
detailed in the Section 7. By default the first receive window datarate is identical to the
datarate of the last uplink.
3.3.2 Second receive window channel, data rate, and start
The second receive window RX2 uses a fixed configurable frequency and data rate and
opens RECEIVE_DELAY2 seconds (+/- 20 microseconds) after the end of the uplink
modulation. The frequency and data rate used can be modified through MAC commands
(see Section 5).The default frequency and data rate to use are region specific and detailed
in the Section 7 . 作者: BeyondDream 时间: 2019-5-15 11:40